Important Notices
*You must be 16+ to play Kiros.*
  1. Any ads loaded by clicking our download links are not sponsored nor associated with Kiros. Please do not interact with any ads that occur as a result of Mediafire.

  2. You will need DirectX to run Kiros. This package is already pre-included with our installer. If you choose the use the .zip file, you will need to install this seperately from here.

  3. Kiros operates on an older version of the Ogre3D engine. Please be aware there may be some bugs relating to the engine.

  4. Your forum account and in-game account are not connected. You will need to register an account on the game server to log in.


Upon downloading Kiros, you agree that you are 16+ and to our Code of Conduct. Failure to uphold these policies will result in moderator action being taken against your account.

  1. Mediafire Download Mirrors
  2. Launcher Standalone Download

  3. Dropbox Download Mirrors
  4. .exe Installer Download
  5. Launcher Standalone Download
  6. Full-Client Download
  7. Patch Download

  8. Mega Upload Download Mirrors
  9. Standalone Launcher Download

  10. Google Drive
  11. Full-Client Download
  12. Patch Download

Kiros © Kiros-MMORPG Team. All rights reserved.

By downloading our game, you automatically agree to our Code of Conduct and Terms of Service. Failure to uphold these polices will result in termination of your account priviledges.